10 Ways To Help With A Newborn (Helpful Dads Series, Part 3)

This is Part 3 of the Helpful Dads Series! (Read Part 1 HERE and Part 2 HERE!) Part 3 of the Helpful Dads series is perhaps the most fun, yet also the most tiring! A new baby in the house means everyone is giving up some sleep and it is an adjustment. Give your family […]
10 Ways To Help Your Partner During Labor & Delivery (Helpful Dads Series, Part 2)

This is part 2 in the Helpful Dads series! (Read part 1 HERE!) Now the time you’ve been anticipating is finally here. The baby is coming! It seemed to take forever, yet it came so fast! These tips will keep you cool as a cucumber and help you to be the best coach that Mom […]
10 Ways to Help Your Partner During Pregnancy (Helpful Dads Series, Part 1)

So, you are going to be a Dad! This is an exciting, hopeful, and wonderful time to plan and prepare for your new role and the baby that will be arriving soon. As a Dad, whether you are romantically involved with the mother of your baby or not, there are many ways you can still […]