We are here to help you get the facts and learn what options and support are available to you. You are in charge of your decisions, but you don’t have to make them alone.
Misoprostol is one part of a medical abortion (also referred to as the “abortion pill”), and it’s typically used in conjunction with mifepristone. If you’re considering taking only misoprostol, it’s essential to understand how this drug works and the potential risks. Read on to learn the basics you need to …
Great question! If you receive a positive pregnancy test, you can schedule an appointment with your doctor or OB-GYN immediately. What Happens at the First Appointment? A first-time pregnancy appointment might include: But What if I Don’t Have Insurance? Pregnancy comes with many appointments, tests, and ultrasounds. If you do …
Fatigue during early pregnancy is common, and it’s caused by various factors, including hormonal changes, increased blood supply, and the hard work your body does to grow the placenta. While early pregnancy fatigue is common, it can feel overwhelming. Whether you take frequent naps throughout the day or can’t seem …
The cost of abortion at Planned Parenthood depends on different factors, like what type of abortion you receive and how far along you are. The starting cost for an abortion is around $625.00 If you’re facing an unexpected pregnancy and considering abortion, it’s essential to learn all you can to …
If you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy and wondering whether you can get an abortion for free, the answer is no. An abortion costs money, and the price you will pay depends on the type of abortion and the gestational age of your pregnancy, among other factors. If you’re considering abortion, …
Three reasons you need an ultrasound before abortion include accurately knowing your gestational age, screening for miscarriage, and verifying that your pregnancy is growing in the correct location. These three details are critical to your health and safety. Read more below, or schedule a no-cost ultrasound exam at A Woman’s …