Fatigue during early pregnancy is common, and it’s caused by various factors, including hormonal changes, increased blood supply, and the hard work your body does to grow the placenta.

While early pregnancy fatigue is common, it can feel overwhelming. Whether you take frequent naps throughout the day or can’t seem to wake up in the morning, you can take strategies to feel more energized.

Learn the top five tips for managing fatigue during early pregnancy. Or, if you want to talk to someone about your pregnancy and find free resources and services, contact A Woman’s Concern to schedule a confidential appointment. 

1. Rest as much as possible. 

Your body is going through a lot in early pregnancy, and resting as much as possible is one of the best ways to overcome fatigue. 

While resting can be difficult due to the demands of school, work, other children, etc., the following tips can help:

  • Take brief naps, if possible. If you can find time to fit in even a 20-minute nap, this can boost your energy levels.
  • Put your feet up and space out. If your schedule doesn’t allow for a full nap, simply resting your mind and body can help combat fatigue. If you’re in school or work full-time, your lunch break can be a good time to relax—even if briefly.
  • Don’t overdo it. This can be easier said than done, but even saying no to social engagements in favor of a quiet night in can help you feel restored. The more you overextend yourself, the more fatigued you will feel.

2. Go to bed earlier.

While your lifestyle might make it difficult to go to bed much earlier, even going to bed 30 minutes earlier can help you feel refreshed in the morning. It might not seem like much, but your body needs as much extra rest as possible during early pregnancy.

3. Eat healthy foods.

Your body is busy sustaining a pregnancy and needs nutritious foods full of vitamins and minerals. While sugary foods and drinks might seem like they give you a quick energy boost, they will ultimately cause you to crash and feel tired. Eating nutrient-rich foods will help give you long-term energy and feel better overall.

4. Eat often. 

While early pregnancy can cause food aversions and nausea, making you want to skip meals altogether, eating small meals often throughout the day is essential. This will help maintain your blood sugar levels and give you more energy. 

5. Seek help. 

Early pregnancy fatigue can feel debilitating and make completing routine chores impossible. But seeking help from family, friends, and your partner can help you get the rest you need. 

If you don’t have a support system to help you during this time, the following tips can help:

  • Take a night off from chores. It’s okay to skip cleaning the kitchen or laundry for an evening or two if it means you get extra sleep.
  • Order groceries online, if possible. This will save you a tiring trip to the store.

You’re Not Alone

Early pregnancy fatigue can be difficult to manage, but you’re not alone. At A Woman’s Concern, we’re here for you. We offer free resources, services, and education to help you feel prepared for pregnancy and beyond. 

Contact us today to connect with one of our caring medical team members. All appointments and resources are free and confidential.